After The (Superbowl) Party Is Over…
The big game is over. Fortunes have been made…and lost. Had enough chips and dip? In Super Bowl LII TV viewers saw Doritos chips and Avocados From Mexico as two of the advertisers. Makes sense since most…
The big game is over. Fortunes have been made…and lost. Had enough chips and dip? In Super Bowl LII TV viewers saw Doritos chips and Avocados From Mexico as two of the advertisers. Makes sense since most…
So there I am (2 Guyz Brian here), watching TV a week or so before Christmas. A busy season, lots of work, teaching, and travel, plus colds and flu. So I opted to catch up on a…
The 2 Guyz On Marketing are here to serve, and we try to provide important information for everyday life. We also like to bring to you marketing insights. It’s the movie & holiday season, so today we…
Marketing efforts often start with “Planning” or solving a “People” problem and continue with new product development, with a Product, a product line or a service. Or it could be both, a product and a service, when…
Consumers today have lots of sources to find out information about products, product lines, product variables, product attributes, distribution options, strategic partnerships, pricing, sales promotions, new product development, and more. Well, as public servants, The 2 Guyz…
E. Jerome MCcarthy gave us the 4 P’s of the Marketing Mix all the way back in 1960. It’s been a great framework to learn about marketing. Much is owed to Jerry, who passed away just two…
It’s a question we get frequently from clients and students? Last month Larry went to a presentation on the “Death of Retail,” at the UCLA Economic Forecast. He mentioned to his table that the bet for over/under…
Targeting or “People,” under the Nine P’s Of Marketing may be more important than the copy in the tds. The 2 Guyz are all over this. The advertising budget in question isn’t that large at all. At…
The 2 Guyz On Marketing Score This As “Stupid”. Using the nine P’s of Marketing, we put this under dumb “Presentation” and dumb Promotion“ by Sherwin Williams, the paint company. Sherwin Williams won’t be paying $1 million….
Here’s another couple of terms that can get misused or misunderstood by the way they are used. In this video 2 Guyz Larry Steven Londre sets the record straight on the terms “target audience” and “target market”….
Everyone talks about marketing, and everyone talks about promotion. What’s the difference between those two terms? Are they interchangeable? Click on the video and see what the 2 Guyz have to say!
The 2 Guyz on marketing have found a teaser campaign starting out as an outdoor board in L.A. and N.Y. What is a teaser campaign? A teaser campaign is a pre-launch campaign, for a product, service or event and…
One of the strategic concepts the 2 Guyz on Marketing look is Promotion. Promotion is one of the key concepts shared with luminary E. Jerome McCarthy’s original 4 P’s of the Marketing Mix. It’s where all the…
When the 2 Guyz On Marketing were young and you needed to know something, you went to a library and found an encyclopedia, or a book. Today you go to the internet. Even then, you used to…